Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gregg Hurwitz: How to make it as a screenwriter and be a badass all at once

Today was one of those days when Liz decided to take us on a networking trip.  We accompanied her to a meeting with her good friend, former intern, and possible screenwriter for a project, Gregg Hurwitz. After a windy drive in the smush-mobile (AKA Elizabeth's sexy Lexus, because right now it is a federal offense for me to drive) all the way to Sherman Oaks through 405 Fwy traffic we arrived at Gregg's humble abode, a gorgeous blue house overlooking the valley. The view alone made you want to faint and be aroused all at the same time. The house was equally exciting, especially all of Gregg's published novels in many different languages and comic books (yes comic books that he wrote and basically directed) that line his office. 

As we sat down to lunch outside with the view in tow, Gregg gave us an intense overview of how he made it as a screenwriter in the industry and what it takes to be successful out here. For someone so accomplished, he is incredibly humble but sharp as a knife and doesn't take shit from anybody (nor has he ever). He spoke a lot about the type of diligence and sheer love for the art it takes to be in his line of work. His main point was there was only so much that was important to screenwriting that you can learn in a class, but the real way to get great and be successful and do this as a living is to fully commit to it without regard for the fact that it's a "risky" occupation and to just keep writing, every day, every hour and to keep writing even when you think you are done. Right now Gregg is working on the rough draft for his next, next, next novel because, he stated, "if you start waiting around and procrastinating then you fall into the habit of complacency and waiting for someone to finish something on some deadline who then doesn't follow through. That's how you suddenly end up with no work and no leverage for jobs coming in." (PS that's only sort of a direct quote, not sure that should actually be in quotation marks). He is so committed to keeping at writing that he even once hired a driver to drive him to and from a meeting so that he could write in the car because it was rush hour. 

Gregg has 12 published novels with more on the way and he's not slowing down. Additionally he writes (read: directs the creation of) comic books for DC such as The Penguin and Batman and works with legendary comic book illustrators on the daily. He also writes screenplays and TV shows such as V. (the one with all the creepy alien people).  

And it's not even like he lives in a little hole by himself like some sort of J.D. Salinger. He has an awesome family and a beautiful African ridgeback named Simba who keeps him company in his office. 
Yes I realize I'm gushing--but we all basically agreed when returning to the Min that we just witnessed the life we all dream about. He rocks the entertainment industry in every department of writing imaginable like it's no big deal and still remains true to what he wants and to having a life---and he makes money doing it. 

Sometimes he even writes naked because he gets overheated from overcreativity. Class A badass in my opinion. 

Needless to say we're all pretty excited and driven to get working on the assignments he gave us. 

With Gregg  looking at one of his comic books

lunch with a view

Patio view


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